Frequently Asked NFSA Training Center Questions
What is the Training Center location?
The NFSA Training Center has two locations. The first is on the campus of St. Johns Country Day School, 3100 Doctors Lake Dr., Orange Park, Fl. 32073. When you come on campus, drive straight back to the athletic complex and veer right. You will run into the soccer complex. The second location is at Bartram Trail High School in the back of the school on the practice fields. Drive straight back to the far parking lot after entering the main gate. The Bartram address is: 7399 Longleaf Pine Parkway, St Johns, Fl. 32259.
Are you affiliated with any clubs? Do you coach any teams?
No, we hold no affiliation with any club teams in Florida. We work with athletes from all clubs and do not promote any one specific club or team. This allows us to train players from any and all clubs. After spending twenty plus years in club soccer, we no longer coach any teams so we can keep our training center focused on developing players, NOT FOCUSED ON WINNING. Players from all teams or clubs are welcome to (and do) participate. We do provide training at the team level if we have time and space available. This team training is open to any team or club.
How do I pay for my session or package?
Go to our website at, select what session or package you desire, and check out through the system.
Do you offer team/group training?
We do. Please contact us at for pricing and availability.
How can I find out about upcoming sessions?
Current and future sessions are posted on the web site. Click on the session link to find out more. You can also send us an email at to be added to our distribution list.
Who are the trainers? What is their experience?
All of our trainers have extensive soccer backgrounds. Most have played both collegiately and/or professionally. While we all teach the same techniques and drills, we feel that our athletes gain a better understanding of the game by receiving different training styles and personalities, so you will have different trainers at times.
***Learn more about the NFSA staff at our COACHES PAGE.***
Are you allowed to walk up and train without registering?
Due to high demand and detail in planning each session, there are NO WALK-UPS allowed. It is important we are prepared and efficient, so knowing our numbers ahead of time is important.
Are sessions grouped by ability or by age?
We always want our athletes to be in the best sessions for them developmentally. We have an ongoing evaluation process and will move a player, either higher or lower, to make sure that they are in the best training environment.
Do you offer speed, agility, & quickness training?
All of our sessions incorporate various aspects of these skills during our training drills, but we do not do training specifically for speed, agility & quickness. If you are interested in concentrated training in one of those areas a gym or personal trainer would be best.
What is the average session size? What is your trainer to player ratio?
Our session sizes vary but our maximum player to trainer ratio is 7-9:1 depending on the session. However, if it’s a Team training, it could have up to 18:1 player to trainer ratio.
Are we allowed to join a session in progress?
Yes, as long as there is room we will be happy to have you. However, those new to our programs should be aware that our training is progressive so it can be a bit intimidating for kids who are unfamiliar with our drills to jump in. We also may require you join a general technical session versus a skill specific session to evaluate.
Will we receive a session confirmation?
For our 4, 8, or 12 week class sessions, you will receive confirmation via email that you have been signed up for the session. If the session you requested is full, we will provide you with alternatives that are available. If the class shows up “sold out”, contact us at for another option.
What should I wear/bring to my session?
Players should wear cleats or tennis shoes if we are inside due to weather. We also want every player to have shin guards so when we compete, they are safe. Please have a full water bottle for your player. We suggest NO SHARING of water bottles to keep everyone safe. We will provide the soccer balls necessary for the session.
Is your training for everyone or just club players?
We train all players starting at age 7 and at all skill levels from beginners to professionals. We do not have a level or skill requirement, however, the player should be passionate and dedicated about improving their game. We know you want the best for your money, so we are passionate and motivated to push your athlete.
Do you have any sessions for college players?
Yes, we do offer sessions for college players. Please email me at for more details and availability.
My daughter/son has a medical condition. Are they allowed to participate?
As long as the condition is fairly easily controlled and we are aware beforehand, it should not be a problem. If the condition requires something specific (like an inhaler), the athlete should come with the proper medical supply and be knowledgeable on using it at the proper time. We will need full documentation so we are up to speed and can act appropriately.
It’s really hot in Florida. What are you doing to make sure the kids aren’t overheating?
Yes, it’s hot in Florida! Since we are also out running around in this heat we are aware it can be uncomfortable. We offer several breaks for rest and water throughout the session and ask our athletes to carry their own water bottle with them throughout the session. We will be outside, so sunscreen is encouraged.
Frequently Asked Camp Questions - NFSA Elite Camp?
Is there a refund Policy?
There are no refunds issued for this camp. Instead, we are happy to offer a camp credit for a future camp or event.
What is the address of the camp?
The camp is held at St. Johns Country Day School located at 3100 Doctors Lake Dr., Orange Park, Fl 32073. Drive all the way back until you see the baseball complex, then veer right and the fields are up top on the left.
What type of equipment do I need?
NFSA provides all of the equipment needed at each of our camps. Your should wear activity-appropriate clothing: cleats and shin guards.
What do we get with this camp?
Each athlete will receive a NFSA game top, NFSA camp shirt, NFSA game shorts, Nike game socks, water bottle, and a "light" dinner each night along with gatorade and water provided on the fields and at dinner.
What is the daily schedule?
The daily schedule is as follows:
3:00 - 5:50 pm - Evaluations and technical training
5:50 - 6:45 pm - Dinner break and college recruiting education with staff and college coaches
7:15 - 8:45 pm - 11 v 11 games
8:45 - 9:00 pm - Camp wrap up and final thoughts and suggestions
Should my athlete bring a notebook for the college recruiting education?
We highly suggest that your athlete brings a notebook since there will be a lot of information that will be valuable for them to remember in the process. They should also be recording notes after every day of training on what they did well, what they need to improve and what they learned new.
Can parents attend the college recruiting education each night?
We strongly suggest that parents attend these college recruiting discussions to learn about the process.
Can parents attend the games each night?
Yes, the camp hours were originally set up for that very purpose, so that parents could make it after work.
Should my child bring a water jug?
Each camper will receive a water bottle as part of the camp, so no need to bring a jug.
Are shin guards mandatory?
Yes, no player will be allowed to participate without shin guards.
Do we need to bring any food to camp?
The camp provides a "light" dinner each night that includes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, nutella sandwiches, fruit, granola bars, crackers. So, if your athlete needs something heavier or has a special diet, they will need to bring those items each night.
Do we need extra clothing each day?
We suggest an extra shirt since we go from the hot weather to an air conditioned gym for dinner and college recruiting education.
What happens if there is bad weather? Do you cancel?
We do live in Florida and afternoon showers and storms occur, however, we have use of two gyms on campus, so we have never had to cancel. The one thing we can’t control is weather, so if we had a big storm that might affect two or more days, we would make an adjustment.